The F.A.R.M. Club










       The next meeting will be Sunday, August 6th at 6:00 pm at the Warren County Fairgrounds. 
At this meeting we will vote on the revised By-Laws.


           A big “Thank You” to all who worked the rough truck and tractor pulls at the

Warren County Fair.
  It was really great to see several new members involved!!


           Congratulation to all who won ribbons and trophies with their tractors in
competition and tractor pulls.


           Thanks to everyone who participated in the July 4th parades in Maineville,
, Waynesville, and Otterbein.  Also, thanks to everyone who supported the
Corwin Tractor Show and Pig Roast.


           Remember our Club Show is Sept. 15, 16 & 17th at Oeder’s Lake. 
We need to get organized!!     We need to get set!!!     So we’re ready to go!!!!


            In every good club there is a need for a fundraiser.  The trailer raffle is

our main fundraiser.  We need tickets to be sold or bought!!  Ticket stubs and

money should be turned in to the raffle chairman, Glenn Williams.  Our goal this

year is to make $3,000.00 on the raffle.  Lets all get busy and sell, sell, sell!!

 We can do it!


           We extend “get well wishes” to Cecil Lumley and Tom Gentry.


           Don’t forget to check out the website at “”.


 If you have any questions, please contact one of our three directors:
 Homer Hurtt 513-932-5217: Russ Rolke 513-248-2501: Walt Biggs, Sr. 513-932-7732.


 See you at the Meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!